Monday, July 20, 2009

A New Video Game Idea - "Branch Beating"

While chatting with one of my buddies over Xbox Live the other day (it's a video game online interface) we came up with a great idea for a new game.

Why not have a war game (like the one we were playing - Call of Duty: World at War) where you could use things in the environment when you ran out of ammo? For example, you're hiding in the woods shooting enemies and you run out of ammo for your rifle; your pistol's empty too. What to do?

Well, wouldn't it be great if you could gather rocks up and throw them at enemies as they ran by? That barrel you passed earlier? Yeah, you could pick that up and crown someone over the head with it (along with a satisfying "thud" sound). How about going to a tree and ripping a branch off and sneaking up behind an enemy hiding in a bush and beating him to death with it.

That last one got us laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Imagine looking through your sniper scope and far in the distance you see some guy crouched behind a rock, thinking he's hidden, and behind him you see some guy holding a branch the size of a mattress and all of a sudden he starts beating the hell out of the guy with it. Even funnier - he has a rapid fire controller and is beating him with this leafy branch at the rate of 10 whacks a second.

If THIS were in a game - I would buy it. EVERYONE would buy it - if it were added to an already quality game like Call of Duty.

If only I had the power...

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