Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jesus turns wine back into water for a quick shower...

Stephon Marbury. He's a strange guy.

If you don't know who he is, he's a guard for the Boston Celtics. He's has a "Starbury" tattooed on the side of his head, which is a star that he uses as his logo for his sports apparel. He also saw Jesus in the shower the other day. Wait... what??

Stephon was asked if he believed in aliens, and his response was, "Do I believe in aliens? I don't know, because I've never seen one. But I believe in Jesus because I saw him in the shower the other day."

Apparantly Jesus rose from the dead again, a few thousand years later, to take a shower at Marbury's place. Interesting.

Link: Stephon showers with Jesus

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