Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cleaning House + Fantasy Football

As a single guy, I find that my house gets quite dirty before I can motivate myself to clean it. Today was that day.

It's amazing the things you find when you move your couch to clean underneath it. I found three pairs of fingernail clippers. I was wondering where they went. But that number was beat out by - the chapstick. Living in a dry climate forces me to keep chapstick handy. Now I won't be short for a while since I found...

ELEVEN sticks of chapstick in and under my couch. Good greif.

What ever happened to the "money in the couch" myth? I found a penny. I was at least expecting a few quarters.

I started my Fantasy Football League today as well. This is a hardcore group of players that have been in the same league for years. I was lucky to get in it. We are having a draft party on August 9th. Basically people meet at the commisioner's house and his wife cooks tons of food and we eat, drink from the keg he has there and make our team picks. After it's done we play poker till 3am. It's a good time. We can win a sizable amount of money at the end of the year as well. First place gets well over a thousand dollars, with payouts for 2nd through 4th place as well. More importantly, you get to brag and wear the winner's shirt and keep the trophy for a year. Yes, I know it's nerdy. That's why we drink heavily while we do it.

I picked up Berrian in a trade today for my Fantasy Football team. He's a WR on the Vikings and his stock will shoot through the roof when Farve joins the team. Farve hasn't said whether or not he's coming back yet, but I'm sure he is. It's a sleeper pick which could pay off later.

I have to work in 5 hours, which means if I lay down right now, I can get 4 hours of sleep. Oh joy.


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