Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MMA - Bas Rutten

I'm a big Mixed Martial Arts fan (MMA). One of my favorite fighters is Bas Rutten. He's retired now, but is still an underground favorite because of his personality. I can't explain it, you just have to watch him and then you'll understand.

Bas makes self defense videos - real world self defense where you are trying to hurt the other guy as quickly and as badly as possible in the shortest amount of time and then you can get the hell out of Dodge. It's all about avoiding damage to yourself or someone you are protecting and making sure the other guy won't be following you when you try to leave.

What makes his videos is his personality. He's the one of the funniest guys I've ever seen. Just watch this video - trust me.

Bas Rutten Training Video

Here's another video with Bas that aired on the Discovery Channel. Scientists are testing the power of kicks as compared to a car wreck. Bas surprised them.

Bas Kicks the Shit out of a Dummy

If I had a hero, it'd be Bas Rutten.

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